Marina Gibson is a truly passionate angler, a certified ‘Fly Fishers International’ (CI) Instructor and 1st4sport Level 2 coach, who followed the footsteps of her mother Joanna Gibson, also a devoted fly fisher, and dedicated a significant part of her life to the pursuit of every type of fish at every available opportunity […] 12:37:392021-11-04 14:47:34Marina Gibson, one of the most recognized fly fishers is coming to Slovenia for the Fish & Fly Trio
Green Adventure FISH & FLY TRIO is our premium 3 DAY FLY-FISHING experience on the pristine Slovene rivers in the heart of Europe, 2,350 € worth and, yes, we are giving it to one of you for free!! We are looking for a person that will help us promote our premium product. FISH & FLY […]
The expert committee of Slovenian Tourist Board announced the three finalists of Snovalec 2020 — The Call for the Most Innovative Tourism Ideas — who stood out among the 44 ideas submitted. We are proud that our premium Green Adventure product, FISH & FLY TRIO, is one of them! The product is uniquely aimed at […] 12:35:182021-11-04 14:46:52FISH & FLY TRIO is a finalist of SNOVALEC 2020
Slovenian Tourist Board is choosing most innovative tourism ideas. We are pleased to announce that our FISH & FLY TRIO, a new premium product of Green Adventure, was chosen among the nine semifinalists to compete for the grand prize in April. FISH & FLY TRIO is a unique and comprehensive »green« tourism product, within its […]
Kar 60% Slovenije je pokrito z gozdom, kar jo uvršča na tretje mesto med evropskimi državami. Pred nedavnim so na spletni strani objavili lestvico najbolj ekološko usmerjenih držav na svetu. V družbi Finske, Španije, Portugalske, Estonije, Malte, Francije in Velike Britanije, se je na prestižen seznam uvrstila tudi Slovenija. 12:32:392021-11-08 16:08:25Slovenia is enlisted along eight most eco friendly countries in the world
The Krka River (94 km) is the second longest entirely Slovenian river and the longest river in the Dolenjska region. It is among the richest rivers in Slovenia in terms of the diversity of fish species. As many as 52 species of fish live in it. The Novo mesto fishing club carries out fisheries management […] 12:30:192021-11-04 14:45:58Fly fishing on River Krka
Marina Gibson, one of the most recognized fly fishers is coming to Slovenia for the Fish & Fly Trio
Marina Gibson is a truly passionate angler, a certified ‘Fly Fishers International’ (CI) Instructor and 1st4sport Level 2 coach, who followed the footsteps of her mother Joanna Gibson, also a devoted fly fisher, and dedicated a significant part of her life to the pursuit of every type of fish at every available opportunity […]
FREE Premium 3 Day Fly-fishing Experience FISH & FLY TRIO
Green Adventure FISH & FLY TRIO is our premium 3 DAY FLY-FISHING experience on the pristine Slovene rivers in the heart of Europe, 2,350 € worth and, yes, we are giving it to one of you for free!! We are looking for a person that will help us promote our premium product. FISH & FLY […]
FISH & FLY TRIO is a finalist of SNOVALEC 2020
The expert committee of Slovenian Tourist Board announced the three finalists of Snovalec 2020 — The Call for the Most Innovative Tourism Ideas — who stood out among the 44 ideas submitted. We are proud that our premium Green Adventure product, FISH & FLY TRIO, is one of them! The product is uniquely aimed at […]
FISH & FLY TRIO in semifinal of SNOVALEC 2020
Slovenian Tourist Board is choosing most innovative tourism ideas. We are pleased to announce that our FISH & FLY TRIO, a new premium product of Green Adventure, was chosen among the nine semifinalists to compete for the grand prize in April. FISH & FLY TRIO is a unique and comprehensive »green« tourism product, within its […]
Slovenia is enlisted along eight most eco friendly countries in the world
Kar 60% Slovenije je pokrito z gozdom, kar jo uvršča na tretje mesto med evropskimi državami. Pred nedavnim so na spletni strani objavili lestvico najbolj ekološko usmerjenih držav na svetu. V družbi Finske, Španije, Portugalske, Estonije, Malte, Francije in Velike Britanije, se je na prestižen seznam uvrstila tudi Slovenija.
Fly fishing on River Krka
The Krka River (94 km) is the second longest entirely Slovenian river and the longest river in the Dolenjska region. It is among the richest rivers in Slovenia in terms of the diversity of fish species. As many as 52 species of fish live in it. The Novo mesto fishing club carries out fisheries management […]